Here's our screen door that leads out to the back yard. Beautiful yes? Complete with mismatched wood trim, loose screening and chicken wire threatening to snag an unsuspecting hand at any moment. This Screen door definitely needed a fix-up.
I began by stripping the door. First removing the wood strips, then the chicken wire, and then the screen. Finally I scraped and sanded any flaking paint that was left along the frame.
I knew we still needed some form of chicken wire. We have cats in the neighborhood, and very occasionally I've seen raccoons. Also we have an excitable pit bull who likes to run circles around the backyard, charge up the back porch and then slam all of his body weight up against the back door when he wants back in. Not terribly cute but I have yet to figure out how to break him of this habit.
So, hexagonal chicken wire to the rescue! Super cute and functional! After adding the chicken wire I spray-painted both sides of the door white, including the wiring so you would be able to see it better against the screen. After letting it dry overnight, I stapled the screen in and then added the wood strips that would hold everything in place.
Any simple fixer-upper projects going on around your home?