Thursday, June 7, 2012

Back By Popular Demand!

Well, okay....not so much popular demand but mommy-in-law request. Hey, I'll take what I can get.

The last couple of months I've really been focusing on the kitchen. Its actually been more of an obsession. This all started about three months ago when I found cold hard evidence that we had a little house guest that had been living in our basement and coming up for midnight snacks in the kitchen. Can you believe it? A mouse in the house! Ewwww. Apparently our cats had been sleeping on the job.

After finding said 'proof', the husband promptly ordered a mousetrap from Amazon (This humane mousetrap really works great), loaded it up with peanut butter and crackers, and within three days we caught a furry little friend. I wish I had taken pictures. He sure was cute and tiny. We decided to keep him captive for a few days to see if he had any family we could catch and release him with, but after a week of waiting 'Mouser' was our only catch. We let him go in the wild part of our park, so hopefully he's doing okay.

Since then we haven't had any signs of house guests, but I decided the kitchen was gross and would require a serious do over to help me forget that we had been living with a mouse. So, after a fresh coat of Chinchilla Grey paint and several easy projects, I am well on my way to having a neat kitchen!

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